DEI Expands Remote Support of Nuclear Plant Outages During COVID-19 Crisis
DEI provides specialized products and services that support nuclear reactor maintenance during refueling outages. This work supports critical electricity generation infrastructure defined as essential and life sustaining under State and Federal law. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it challenging for many businesses to provide in-person support – and our business is no different. This is particularly true for international work due to border closures and/or more limited commercial airline services.
While DEI continues to provide on-site support during nuclear plant outages for many clients, we are also expanding our use of remote networking tools to ensure critical support for our clients. This support arrangement often involves one of our international partners being present on-site and in physical control of our equipment, with DEI subject matter experts remotely directing activities and interacting with on-site personnel through the use of screen sharing applications and augmented reality glasses.
“We have successfully deployed critical outage activities using this approach at both US and non-US plants,” says DEI President, Mike Little. “Whether as a primary or contingency option, client feedback on these remote networking tools has been universally positive, and we plan to expand their use in response to this feedback and to better serve our clients’ changing needs at this time.”