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    John Broussard, P.E.

    ASME Code Design & Analysis

    CONTACT John


    • Stress and structural analysis, including for welding residual stress
    • Linear elastic fracture mechanics
    • Integrity assessments from nuclear power components and nuclear waste canisters
    • ASME design/analysis report preparation

    Mr. Broussard is an expert in the application of stress analysis (typically using ANSYS finite element analysis) and linear elastic fracture mechanics to nuclear power plant components and systems, and nuclear waste storage canisters. He has contributed significantly to the development of inspection strategies for core shroud welds in Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) nuclear power plants, for nickel-base alloy welds in Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) nuclear power plants, and for stainless steel spent fuel storage canisters. Specifically, he has performed extensive investigations of the interaction between welding residual stresses and cracks that grow in these stress fields. His work in this area demonstrated substantial conservatisms in conventional analysis methods; removing these conservatisms led to numerous U.S. PWR power plants avoiding mid-cycle outages.

    Mr. Broussard was the principal investigator for a multi-year EPRI program developing guidance for Aging Management Programs (AMPs) of stainless steel spent fuel storage canisters as documented in multiple EPRI reports, including Report No. 3002008193. He is one of the primary authors of ASME Code Case N-860, which provides in-service inspection requirements for stainless steel spent fuel storage canisters. Mr. Broussard was the principal investigator for an EPRI program that provided the technical basis for extending the inspection interval of large-diameter (> 2 inch) Class 1 and Class 2 bolting, including reactor vessel closure studs. Mr. Broussard was also the principal investigator for a multi-year EPRI program that has performed research into validation of welding residual stress analysis models for nickel-base alloy welds as documented in EPRI reports MRP-316 and MRP-317. He is the primary author of ASME Code Case N-899, which provides standardized welding residual stress distributions for use in flaw growth calculations.

    Mr. Broussard has performed numerous evaluations of power plant components to a variety of design basis codes and standards, including Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Mr. Broussard provides consulting to NSSS vendors and suppliers/fabricators of N-stamp equipment, including preparation of ASME design/analysis reports and Certifying Engineer services. Mr. Broussard has also performed probabilistic risk evaluations of piping components, where stress analysis, fracture mechanics, and statistical analysis were combined to evaluate risk of failure due to stress corrosion cracking. Mr. Broussard has performed design analyses of piping systems and components, for both buried piping and suspended piping, using the CAESAR II piping flexibility program. He has directed Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) inspection programs for utilities. Additionally, he has authored a chapter on fastener steels for the EPRI Materials Handbook.

    Mr. Broussard holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech and is a licensed professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia.


    • Virginia Tech

      B.S., Mechanical Engineering


    • ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Groups. Task Group on ISI of Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation Containment Systems. Working Group on Flaw Evaluation Reference Curves.
    • EPRI Committee Member / Technical Consultant. Materials Reliability Program (MRP) Pressure Boundary TAC. Used Fuel and High Level Waste Management. BWR Vessel and Internals Program (BWRVIP)
    • Licensed Professional Engineer (VA)