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    Velvet Moroney

    Thermal Performance & Aging Management

    CONTACT Velvet


    • Probabilistic modeling of the progression of degradation of materials and heat transfer efficiency in nuclear power and heat exchange systems and components

    During her tenure of more than 20 years with DEI, Ms. Moroney has compiled extensive experience in developing and implementing probabilistic models in a variety of engineering contexts for the nuclear industry. These include statistical evaluations of pressurized water reactor (PWR) steam generator (SG) tube degradation, progressions of heat-transfer fouling in steam generators and balance-of-plant heat exchangers, and degradation of plant components such as reactor pressure tubes in heavy water reactors and steam separators, among others. Ms. Moroney has become an industry expert in applying these methods to assess tubing degradation failures as indicated by lead authorship of EPRI’s generic analysis of this issue for advanced tubing alloys (EPRI 3002000475) and her role as lead DEI technical analyst for numerous plant-specific consulting assessments of this type for US and non-US utilities.

    Ms. Moroney holds a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.


    • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

      B.S., Nuclear Engineering